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Michelle McCoy

Book Description


The Story of a Transformed Life

There is still hope! Learn the secrets of living your best life in Christ, and discover how to change your attitude thoughts and habits to experience success in every area of your life.

One might think it foolish to feel alone on a planet populated by billions of people. Believe it or not there are many individuals who are searching for deeper connections in an attempt to navigate the channels of life.

Michelle McCoy will show you how to achieve this connection while standing firmly on the word of God.

The Story of a Transformed Life.

Jeremiah 29:11 says it well “…you have a final hope in God.” Therefore, our hope must always be in God. Fear, doubt, depression, and frustration, if left unchecked, can leave you hopeless and you will make wrong choices. Alternately, When you have hope in God, he will guide you to make the right choices at the right times. Instead of worrying, why not channel your energies on the One True God and stand on his word.

Falling in Love with Jesus was the best thing I ever did!


To experience a transformed life in Christ, an individual must not only develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but also be obedient to His commandments. I wrote this book in order to share my own story, and to shed light on the importance of having an intimate, one-on-one, relationship with Christ and to also offer insight into my own personal journey as a Christian, thus far. I once thought that merely attending church services each week– to hear a word from God–through my pastor and serving in ministry was enough to keep my life on track. However, I have since discovered that having a personal relationship with Christ is essential to a believer’s spiritual progress and growth. Had I known then what I know now, I believe my life would have improved considerably over the years. I also recognize that God allows us to go through certain situations, so that we develop a better understanding of who He is.

The content held within the pages of this book is for anyone seeking to live a transformed life in Christ, individuals like myself who have been in church for years, and who are busy with ministerial responsibilities, but who find themselves spiritually stagnant. It also serves seasoned Christians desiring to help younger Christians navigate in the right direction, in order to fulfill their God-given purpose on earth.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to one anothercontinua a leggere. The Bible instructs us in Galatians 6:2 that we should, “Carry one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the requirements of the law of Christ [that is, the law of Christian love].”

I trust you will be blessed by my story

About the Author – Michelle McCoy 
Michelle McCoy is the founder and president of Set Afresh Inc., an organization created for the purpose of exploring new ideas and opportunities, using a fresh set of eyes and vision. She is passionate about reaching others for Christ and welcomes the opportunity to share her faith with everyone. Michelle has earned an undergraduate degree from Baruch College and a graduate degree from Nova Southeastern University. She graduated from the University of Fort Lauderdale in May 2019 with a Master of Divinity degree. She presently resides in south Florida with her family.

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