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Jesse A. McCrary

Book Description

Coming Soon!

BOOK TITLE: From Servanthood to Sonship

Let’s take  a journey, a journey down the path of Servanthood, one that will lead us into Sonship. While on this journey, I want us to explore, exasperate if you will, the correlation between the two. By the completion of this journey, we will have discovered not only what it means to serve, but also what it means to be a son or daughter who serves.

While there have been many discussions, theological debates, books, and sermons on the topic of “Servanthood” and “Sonship” as separate entities, I want us to look at the two together and highlight the transition that takes place moving from one area into the other. During this journey, we will examine what it means to be a servant and how the transition to being a son takes place.  We will examine the lives of people in the Bible and see how they served and the challenges they experienced along the way to becoming a son or daughter. 

About the Author – Jesse A. McCrary

JESSE A. MCCRARY is founder of the F.A.T.H.E.R Me Initiative. He is a motivational speaker, leadership development trainer, author and teacher. Having traveled nationally and
internationally, his practical approach to the scriptures has opened the eyes of many by helping them to see the plan and purpose of God in their lives. He addresses critical issues affecting youth and young adult today as it relates to their social and spiritual development. The central theme of his message is restoration by way of reconciliation and maximizing the individuals God given abilities. Jesse, along with his daughter Charis Alethia reside in Florida and are members of The Faith Center under the teachings of Bishop Henry and Pastor Carol Fernandez.

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